Monday, September 15, 2014

Novel News: I Finished Writing a Book

So I spent this summer hammering out my very first novel. By that I mean the first completed effort. There is a herd of disgruntled first chapters on my computer's hard drive which never experienced the good fortune to reach completion like the lucky project I've titled Sunset Hill. (It's kind of thrilling to type the title of something you've written and use italics because it is an actual book!)

Anyway, all 46,379 words of the manuscript are now sitting in the back of my mind as I tread into the awkward tide of writing query letters and pestering agents. But while waiting weeks to hopefully hear back, I came across the Work-in Progress Blog challenge on my writerly neighbor's website. Hannah Heath posted the first three paragraphs/lines of her Christian fantasy novel The Stump of the Terebinth Tree. 

It looked like fun, so I thought I would try with the first three lines of my work-in-progress. Here it goes:

Chapter 1
It took about three days for the residents of Sunset Hill to tumble into love with Leah Davis. 

Chapter 2
On a sunny Tuesday morning, Leah hopped off her bike and parked it. 

Chapter 3 
Trotting down the hall, Leah checked her watch, a leather affair with a roman numerated face. 

Hmm, not to hard to tell who this book is about, is it? Thanks for reading!