Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Chivalry Alert #1

As you may have noticed by the lack of once weekly reminders to read this blog in your inbox or home feed, I'm not so sure what should happen now that my year with Elizabeth is technically and quite over. In the meantime while trying--or forgetting at times--to figure out the answer to that question, I've decided to post at random when I see something chivalrous. This may be something done or said by either a male or female person or character (fictional or otherwise). In called it a chivalry alert, the idea is to celebrate women and men behaving decorously towards one another and restoring the fracture that comes from Eden.

The first installment comes from the final episode of Downton Abbey's most recent season. The now footman Mr. Molesley has helped a ladies maid Miss Baxter to come out into the light inspite of threats from the nasty butler Thomas. As they sit on a blanket near the seaside, she confesses her gratitude.

“I have to thank you Mr. Mosley.” Miss Baxter says.

 “Oh why is that?” asks Mr. Molesley.

 “There are things in my past that have made me afraid. I don’t know what will happen, but I’m not afraid anymore. You’ve made me strong, Mr. Molesley. Your strength has made me strong.”

You can watch online and see this sweet scene.

If you see any chivalrous acts you'd like to report, head over to bebennet's Facebook page and drop a post. Thanks for reading!