Monday, May 5, 2014

AIR: It's Good for You

John and I used to have trouble talking. his face would turn blue, and with the wheezing and coughing, I was beginning to lose my mind. But then we tried AIR. A constant supply of oxygen from AIR has really restored our relationship. Now we can talk for hours uninterrupted, and sometimes John talks back, too. Yes, AIR has been good for us. Why not try it for you?

For joggers, fast talkers, chain smokers and anyone else who needs a breather, try AIR. AIR: It's good for you. AIR contains natural oxygen molecules to help you catch your breath, and new research shows it may even lengthen your life. So the next time you're breathing heavy or not breathing at all, try AIR.

This is a trade marked a product. This message has been brought to you by the Association of O2 Consultants, a branch of Stayin' Alive Incorporated.